Senin, 08 April 2013


·         What is TOEFL Listening?
Listening tests are placed in Section 1 (first part) in TOEFL TEST. Section 1, Listening Comprehension test your comprehension skills in listening and conversation as well as more short term as well as the presentation of a person

·         How about the forms in section 1 Listening Comprehension?
       TOEFL Listening is divided into three parts:
a.      Short Conversations (30 questions): You will listen to an informal conversation between a man and a woman, usually each person only speaks once. The third voice (male or female) then ask questions about the conversation.
b.      Longer Conversations (generally 8 questions) you will hear two people looking to deliver something (lectures, explanations, etc.). The second ballot will provide 3 to 5 questions about the talks.
c.   Talks / lectures (usually 12 questions) you will listen to a person (male or female) is conveying something (lectures, explanations, etc.). The second ballot will provide 4 to 5 for each question what is presented.

Answering Questions Listening Comprehension Strategies
A.    In the listening section in the TOEFL test, there are many things that can affect achievement scores include:
·         Quality Tool Players
The sound quality is crisp and clear from cassette players or CD will be a positive influence on the concentration of the test participants.
·         Speech of Delivery
Rate of speed sentences that were raised by the speaker must be able to be captured well by the audience in order to understand the purpose of the conversation.

·         Idiomatic Expression and Multipart Verbs
Without knowing idiomatic Expression and Multipart Verbs, it is difficult for test takers to answer the listening test with regard to both of these.

B.     Facing Hearing Exam (Listening Test) in TOEFL
·         Short Conversations (Short Dialogues)
In the face of a short conversation test, the easiest trick is to look for similarities or synonym of the core conversation itself. The types are: restate, negative statement and a positive response or vice versa, suggestions, passive sentences, who and where, and approval.
·         Dialog Length (Long Dialogues)
In a long dialogue, we are not only required to understand the main idea of the conversation, but also must be able to recall the details of things that are in the conversation. The main requirement to make it easier to answer questions of this type is the ability to hear and advanced levels given the level of capability that is really good.
·         Talks Pannjang (Long Talks)
Process to answer this question is no different from the process of answering a long dialogue. In addition to the ability level of advance, notice that the questions in the order issued definitive information that we listen to.

Tips and Tricks TOEFL Listening Answering Questions
For the matter of A - Short Dialog
1.      The briefing does not need to be heard
Immediately see the option (the difference between about 8 seconds).

2.      Do not choose the option that is similar to spoken dialogue
That is more resemblance than 2 words.

3.      There is one option that automatically :
The options mean SIMILAR
The options maksutnya SAME (same sentence core)
The options NEGATIVE meaning to education
sentences found bermaksut NOT KNOW
The options means the person NOT LIKE
The options using RUDE WORD / NOT OFFICIAL (eg hungry, angry, bad, etc.)
There is the word "HELP THE MAN"

4.      Speakers focused and listen to BOTH predicate (verb), said after tobe.

5.      Answer toefl could not answer such a row of numbers 1-4: AAAA
For about the B and C -> Dialog long
1. Because the focus of four numbers at once ignore instructions.
2.  The initial question for sure "What is the essence of Dialogue"
     The core dialog usually in the first 3 sentences.
3. Select the option that is similar to that spoken.

Or  with the following strategies
A.    Summing Through Context Statement
Notice what is conveyed by the second speaker and the linkages between phrases and other keywords that can deliver the right conclusion. It usually occurs in pecakapan, so it should be the focus in the second without having to forget about the first statement.
B.     Determine Who, What and Where
In the matter of TOEFL, the makers of the test questions often ask participants to determine and conclude Who, What and Where is the conversation.
C.     Understanding Negative Declaration
Determining the answer of a phrase and negative statements with positive statements in conversations that have meaning to the phrase proximity and negative statements.

D.    Understanding Statement With Idiom
Problem TOEFL frequently used phrases and statements in the form of construction of phrases whose meaning is not the same as the combined meaning of the element.
E.     Understanding the two instruments Meaningful Positive Negative
If question 2 forms of the instrument inserted by the often negative answer choices that lead to positive questions.
F.      Understanding Expressions Approval
The phrase consent of certain expressions used by makers about the TOEFL.
G.    Statement of Understanding Wish
The word that means wish or desire is desire. In the TOEFL test, the wish to imply the meaning that the speaker wants condition contrary to fact.

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